Room Fire Place & Entertainment Center
Shehnaz & Pulock San
Diego, California
and Pulak are both Electrical Enginners and purchased their first
home in San Diego, California with a Living Room Fire Place wall that
they did not like from the beginning. They did not want to move in
to the house unless they had the wall redesigned.
The primary criteria provided by them was to highlight the Fire Place,
and make room for a 52" flat panel TV, and most importantly to
hide the large subwoofer of the entertainment center.
The design focussed in to creating three basic elements; a solid Fire
Place Wall that wraps the existing Fire Place vertically, a hollow
framed shelving system that holds the large-screen Flat Panel TV,
and a movable solid-void holder that contains the AV system and hides
the subwoofer. All three elements were framed appropriately to hold
their respective responsibilities, but also together become an identity
of an unique wall.
Pencil drawn wall
elevation scheme textured in Photoshop
Pencil drawn wall elevation scheme-2 textured in Photoshop
The Living Room Wall with fire place and entertainment cabinet
3D study model with material options
3D study model with material options